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27th Feb 2018

Vero Is The Social Media Latest App That Has Been Dubbed ‘The New Instagram’ – But What Exactly Is It?


With Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat taking up a significant amount of our time on a daily basis, we’re not sure we can physically fit another app into our lives.

However, Vero – the latest new social media network, seems pretty interesting, and we might just have to try it out. 

The creators of Vero wanted to make an app that was more ‘authentic’ than others on the market at the moment. 

They wanted to create a more “clean” looking photo-sharing app that allows users to discover things that interest them including places, music, movies and books.

The app sounds pretty much the same as Instagram, however, it has a few differences. 

Vero displays posts in chronological order, has no adverts and includes categories like links, books, movies and more.

The Vero manifesto reads: “Most social networks reduce everyone to a friend or a follower. This encourages us to only share the parts of our lives we think are the most interesting.”

“When you can control who sees what, you can behave in a way that is more natural, which we believe ends up being better for you.”

Companies will also be able to post to the app, using a ‘buy now’ link.

Similar to Snapchat, finding friends on Vero will mean telling people your username, or posting it on another social media site, so that your friends and family can add you.

People are obviously becoming curious about what the app has to offer, as the high demand caused some technical issues yesterday. 

The app requires a payment to download it, except for the first million customers who will get Vero for free. 

The website reads: “We made our business model subscription-based. Making our users our customers, not advertisers.”

You can download Vero on the App Store, or via Google Play

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