The Irish Examiner has confirmed that there will be payments made available to elderly people who can claim money back for buying extra fuel during the cold water.
The Department of Social Protection is due to update the National Emergency Coordination Group on Tuesday regarding the payments and how they will be made available.
Minister for Older People, Jim Daly, urged the elderly on Monday to stock up on as much fuel as possible before the storm gets bad and claim the money back after.
Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy says there have been previous emergency social welfare schemes to deal with extreme weather events.
Minister for Housing, Eoghan Murphy, stated that it was not the first time that an emergency social welfare had been introduced: “I think it’s very important that people have enough heating in place in their homes and also in places of work so employers have enough to deal with this cold snap over the coming days.
“We’ll make sure that we have clear communication coming out this afternoon as to how we might be able to then reimburse people if they have found that they have an exceptional need to buy that fuel if they haven’t been able to make those payments.”