Although it has been nearly a month since the Eighth Amendment Referendum was repealed, it seems as though the topic is still a very much talked about subject, especially among the Catholic Church.
One Lovin Reader got in touch with us on Monday to talk about what they had to listen to when they decided to go to mass with their family on Sunday morning.
The person in question became so infuriated by the speech that they got up and left the mass entirely.
As both their parents and a good chunk of their family go to the church and know the priest in question, she would like to keep her identity and the church’s and priests identity anonymous.
“First of all he said, ‘I’m sorry for what I’m about to say’, and he goes ‘one day I was meditating and thought ‘I was once a mustard seed, and if my mother’s egg and my father’s sperm didn’t make me, I wouldn’t be here and all of my characteristics and personalities were defined and what I was going to look like was decided from that second’.
“Then he started talking about the referendum and goes ‘I feel sorry for the people that were misled into voting yes, in fairness to them, they were actually given the wrong information’. He literally said they were given the wrong information.
“He then said ‘they’ll soon see that they’ve made a big mistake’ and something along the lines of all we can hope for now is that when it’s brought into the constitution, it’ll be managed well. He said that ‘abortion of any kind for any reason is murder and don’t ever forget that’. He as much as said that anybody who voted yes was wrong and were misled but tried to round it off by saying ‘everyone has the right to vote and their own decision and I’m not condemning ye for making the wrong decision’.
“That was during the sermon and when it got to the prayers of the faithful he goes ‘I’d like to pray for those who voted yes’, that they’d basically realise they made the wrong decision, he actually said that during the prayers of the faithful. He also asked to pray for people who wanted to have an abortion to make them see sense.”
The Bishop of Elphin hit headlines at the start of the month after he said those who voted yes in the recent referendum on the Eighth Amendment had sinned and needed to go to confession.
The Bishop’s comments were met with a classy and 21st century response in the evening by Priest Fr. Brian D’Arcy.
As well as this, ‘yes’ voters were told in this parish that they “weren’t welcome” at mass on Sunday.
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