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23rd Apr 2019

The ’52 Week Money Challenge’ Is The Easiest Way To Save Loads Of Money In Just One Year

Darragh Berry

The great thing about this is you can start it at any time of the year.

The first day of January, the middle of March, something to put into your summer holiday fund or even towards the end of the year for Christmas.

We all want to save money this year and the ‘The 52-week money challenge is one of the easiest ways to do so.

The rules of this challenge are easy-peasy.

First week – €1

Second week – €2

Third week – €3

And so on and so forth until the final week where you pocket €52.

It doesn’t seem much but by the end of the year, you’ll have collected a cool €1,378 which will come in handy for sure no matter what you’re planning to spend it on.

We think that this is the best money saving challenge yet but there’s also the ‘365 day money challenge’ and the ‘cent challenge‘.

Not much money to be made out of that you say? You could pocket nearly as much as the 52-week challenge by doing these.

Get cracking.
