Every now and again, something comes along that – no matter what your mood – brightens up your day, maybe sometimes even your week.
We live in a pretty shitty world at times and nuggets of good deeds like this are few and far between so when they do come along, they remain in your head for that while longer.
Take this lovely completely random act of kindness from Galway.
Leisureland is the swimming leisure centre based in Salthill and on Thursday, they received a very unexpected letter.
Enclosed was €120 with a very specific note.
The note reads: “Can you please give free entry to the first 22 children who arrive on the 22nd March. Can you please give out the following note to the children who gain free entry.
“Your entry today has been paid for you by a random act of kindness. I have no connection with Leisureland other than a visit to Ireland a few years ago which has the friendliest people in the world. Hope you enjoy your swim and share the love.”
That has just made our day.
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