Primary school was a bit of a rollercoaster for most of us but for the elite few it was a time of great power they were destined to never see again.
Here’s a list of kids who had the rest of the school in the palm of their hands and didn’t even realise it.
The 10 types of Irish primary school students who were absolute bosses:
1. The fast kid
They weren’t going anywhere in particular but MY GOD they could run.
2. The trendsetter
This kid had all the right clothes before you even knew they existed.
3. The cheeky fecker
He did NOT just tell the teacher to ‘get lost’.
4. The smart kid
They were always there to dig you out of a hole.
5. The kid with the sound mam
We all wished she was our mam.
6. The kid that had feckloads of toys
You’d spend literally days at their house.
7. The witty kid
Everyone loved their one-liners, even the teachers.
8. The kid with the MASSIVE birthday parties
‘Cos their folks were feckin’ minted.
9. The kid who was allowed to watch ’15s’ movies
Slumber party watching Die Hard you say? Don’t mind if I do.
10. And finally, the kid with best dog
Which was really everyone’s dog, in a sense.
READ NEXT: 12 Irish Primary School Kids Who Pure Wrecked Everyone’s Heads