It’s not the first time that we’ve shone a light on some of the fantastic shop names dotted around the country, but that only got us thinking – what about the fantastic ones we’re missing abroad?
Please God let’s hope that these companies never move to Ireland…
1. Gee Hair Extensions
…yep. This exists.

2. Ghee Indian Kitchen
A butter commonly used in the homes of India, this restaurant name may potentially be lost in translation when referenced in Ireland.

3. GOWL Management Consulting
”..It’s all in the details, and in this perspective that GOWL makes the difference.”

4. Lift ‘n’ Shift
The UK’s number one suppliers of light materials handling and lifting equipment.
Mostly because Irish people book them out for the laugh.

5. Gammy & Company Jewellery
We’re sure the jewellery is of a fine quality. But we can’t help but think it’ll be…well, gammy.

6. Yer Wan Ltd

7. Pure Class Wine Bags
These wouldn’t work mainly because the name is too funny, and also because the introduction of these wine bags into Irish society would kill us all.
8. Black and Tan Independent Records
9. Langer Juice Company
Dear God no.

10. Notions Marketing
Based in Michigan, this company only hires employees somewhat above their station.

11. Manky Records
Record companies are just doing themselves no favours these days.

12. And finally, Dose Digital Agency
Based in Chicago.

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