Irish humour bears an subtlety that is akin to a screaming toddler on the floor of a supermarket.
It’s dry, out-there and a little rough around the edges – and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Take a look at this round up of some classic Irish gas moments that have happened over the years – for an easy and mindless reminder as to why this little island is so full of gas beings.
1. A child series-recording The Angelus
Spotted on Imgur.
2. This Late Late Show giving away a bag of spuds as a prize
No, really.
3. These perplexing road signs
4. This perfect, perfect road sign
5. This genuine election poster
6. This informative warning, spotted on a green
In Newbridge, not Monaghan.
7. This once-in-a-lifetime deal
8. This series of tweets
9. This elderly divil
10. This on-trend poster
11. This iconic newspaper article
12. This outrageous beer ad
13. This honest, but fair, reason as to why a shop is closed
Dead right.
14. This well-received, long-awaited headline
15. This genuine Late Late Show guest
16. This ode to the Boys In Green
17. This temporary bus stop
18. And finally, Justin Bieber on the cover of Alive magazine
In what world…
Oh yeah, this one.
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