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20th Dec 2016

21 Photos That Prove Irish Wolfhounds Are The Best Dogs In The World


They are one of the biggest dog breeds in the world, and if you’ve ever seen one you’ll have been stopped in your tracks by the sheer size of them.

Originally bred for their hunting ability, they’ve been around since as early as 7000 BC, with mentions of them appearing in both ancient and moder Irish literature.

Now we know we don’t need to defend ourselves, but just in case you don’t believe us here are 21 reasons why they are the best dog breed in the world…

They don’t use their size to scare their little friends

They fit right in with other animals too

They’ll always find somewhere to make themselves comfy

Irish Wolfhound puppies are unbelievably cute

They can look you in the eye, and see your soul

They are incredibly obedient and easy to train

They are great around kids

The can greet you at the car window like this

They’ll always be smiling

They’ll wait longingly for you to come home

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Sheamy keeping an eye out ???? #irishwolfhound #watchdog

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They love a good adventure

They’ll make you feel safe

You can now find them all over the world

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ПАРАД ИРЛАНДСКИХ ВОЛКОДАВОВ ???? Такое шествие на фестивале «Майский граф» проводится впервыеℹ, до этого #животных сюда не привозили. Однако, мы полагаем, этой маленькой традиции тоже положено хорошее начало????, и в дальнейшем ни один фестиваль не обойдется без прекрасных #собак ????????или каких-либо других #зверей. #майскийграф2016 #cocktail_lv #cocktaillv #собака #suns #dog #dogs #suņi #собаки #ирландскийволкодав #irishwolfhound #парадсобак #майскийграф #майскийграф2016

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They’re even smart enough to get important jobs helping humans

They love their sleep

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Especially in the sun

They’re such handsome animals

They’ll be part of the family

You’ll make new friends everywhere you go

They try their very best to fit in

There’s no doubt about it… Irish Wolfhounds are the best dogs in the world

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Naoise / #irishwolfhound #giantdog #instadogs

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READ NEXT: 6 Apps You Need To Have If You’re A Dog Lover
