While the weather we’ve been having recently has been most welcome, it doesn’t come without its problems.
For instance, any time the mercury rises to over 25 degrees, it’s generally considered as ‘too hot’.
We wait all year for weather like this and when it comes around people generally don’t know what to do with themselves.
Here are 15 things every Irish person does when it’s fecking roasting outside:
1. Complain
“Too hot.”
2. Take up a new sport
There’s generally a spike in wannabe Andy Murrays wandering about the place.
3. Sweat
4. Compare the weather to popular summer destinations
“Today’s supposed to hotter than Lanzarote, no less.”
5. Attempt a mediocre BBQ
Burnt to a crisp burgers.
6. Hit the beer garden
Or alternatively…
7. Drink cans
A big bag thereof.
8. Go to Bray
AKA sit in traffic for two hours.
#m50 #traffic #bray pic.twitter.com/68DEGfpj6K
— DamienHef (@damienhef) June 15, 2017
9. Wear too many clothes
T’would be foolish to go out without a jumper.
10. Or too little
Well, it is summer.
11. Forget/refuse to wear suncream
Usually refuse.
12. Turn the music up in their cars
Windows down, system pumping.
13. Stay inside
Don’t risk it. Netflix is your friend.
14. Drink cider
Or several.
15. And finally, go shopping
For some reason, shopping centres are always jammers on hot days.
READ NEXT: The Beer Garden Bucket List — 10 Outdoor Drinking Areas For Sunny Days In Ireland