If there’s anything we know about computers and technology, it’s that we need to be secure about our passwords.
The general rule is to include random numbers, symbols and to mix up capital and lowercase letters, thus creating a masterpiece such as: p@ssW0rd.
But, it seems that this isn’t the best way to protect yo’self.
The man who originally created these rules, Bill Burr, is now saying the opposite of what he said in 2003.
According to the Irish Independent, he says that the idea of having several numbers and symbols mean when people have to change their password – such as every 90 days in work places – people often just change a number in it, making it much easier to guess.
As well as that, with the increased security about passwords in workplaces and the ever-changing passwords, people tend to write their passwords down on post-its, fully visible to everyone.
The new guideline for creating a safe password is to create a “passphrase”, as opposed to a single word. Making your password a series of random words such as “catdogmouse”, will be infinitely harder for bots and hackers to guess.
According to the America’s National Institute for Science and Technology, the password “horsecarrotsaddlestable” would take one trillion years longer for a “botnet” cyber attack to crack, compared to one minute for “P@55w0rd”.
There more you know, eh?
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