Locals in Limerick may soon be getting high on their own supply as The Green Party has put forward the idea of bringing cannabis cafes, similar to those in Amsterdam.
The Limerick Leader reports that the local Green Party branch is also calling for the decriminalisation of cannabis—an illegal, psychotropic class-C drug.
The leader of the Limerick Green Party, Brian Haugh, says that if a cannabis cafe were to open “it would be tightly-regulated, both in the form and strength of cannabis sold”.
“This is based on best practice across other jurisdictions around the world who have adopted a similar approach. This would ensure that customers would be assured that the cannabis purchased was a known quantity and that they could consume it in a safe and controlled environment.”
Haugh says that they are wanting to remove criminal offences for people ages 18 and older who are in possession of less than five grams of cannabis, adding that “it’s clear that the current policy of prohibition and criminalisation of a drug that is in many ways less harmful than alcohol, serves only to line the pockets of criminal gangs and waste enormous amounts of garda resources.”
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