Hands up who’s aged 25-34 and still lives with their parents? No shame in that now, especially when you see that a good 22% of people in Ireland are in that exact same position.
What with rising rents, college related fees and all that avocado toast (lol), a lot of young people are choosing to stay at home longer than in the past.
But where do we compare when it comes to the rest of Europe? Are Irish people really ‘mammies boys’?
Eh, kinda.
This map from Eurostat shows the percentage of people aged 25-34 who live at home across Europe, and it varies quite a lot from country to country.
Just 1.8% of 25-34 year olds live at home in Denmark, compared to nearly 50% in Italy…

Commenting on the results, Eurostat found that “the decision of young people to leave the parental home can be affected by: whether or not they are in a relationship, whether or not they are studying full-time, their level of financial (in)dependence, labour market conditions, living costs and the cost of housing.”
We might stay home for another while yet so… If it’s good enough for Italia.
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