We have a special soft spot for two things: Pancakes, and pretty views, so when we heard about a vintage campervan in Donegal that did exactly that, we were thrilled…
READ: This Pancake Cafe Has One Of The Most Incredible Views In Ireland
Over the weekend however, something truly awful happened the Happy Camper Cafe in Glenveagh.
The caravan unhitched from the car pulling it, rolling across the road into traffic before crashing into the bog.
The cafe’s owner Maria broke the sad news on Saturday evening, saying “It is with great sadness I have to break this news. No one was hurt. I’m completely devastated.”

The lovely Happy Camper caravan had to go to the skip, and now the local community have set up a fundraising page to help Maria get back on her feet with her business.
Glenveagh folk going without Happy Camper’s yummy pancakes? Not a chance.
Maria needs to raise €3,000 to get a new camper fitted out and ready for action, and in the past two days over €1,5000 has already been generously donated – amazing to see.
If you’d like to help the Happy Camper Glenveagh get back out on the road doing what they do best (freshly cooked sweet treats in the middle of the mountains) you can donate here.
We hope to see them back in Glenveagh park very soon!
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