It was a strange sight to see Met Éireann issuing the country with a drought warning over the weekend but we can’t say we were entirely surprised considering the weather we have been getting.
Councillor Ciaran Cuffe of the Green Party featured on RTÉ News to talk about the water shortages and what this could mean for Ireland.
While we’re all there listening to the possibility of shortening our water usage and how to conserve it so we don’t face a crisis, there they are filming the interview in front of a fecking massive fountain…
– Right so, where will we shoot this interview about water shortage?
– eh ???? …oh I’ve an idea…#irishwater #heatwaveireland— Pete Higgins (@Petepiggins) July 1, 2018
Somethings you just can’t make up.
Was this done on purpose considering they were discussing people who “waste water for weeks on end” or was it completely accidental?
Kind of thirsty after watching that…
READ NEXT: Those Wasting Water Could Face Court As We Are Now In A ‘Crisis Situation’