In a study conducted by Each Night, Dublin came out on top as Europe’s coffee capital.
We always knew we were a big country for coffee drinking, but we never imagined we would be crowned Europe’s coffee capital. Dublin reigns supreme over cities such as Lisbon, Amsterdam, and Rome.
The study is based on the number of cafés per million people. Dublin has 232 cafés, with a population of 525,383, which means they have 441.53 cafés per million people. In second place is Athens, coming in at 397.56 cafés per million people due to their population of 664,046. Prague, who has a whopping 448 cafés, lands in third due its large population (1,335,084), leaving them with only 335.56 cafés per million.
The United Kingdom by far had the most cafés in their capital city, standing at 1,585, but like Prague, their huge population (8,961,989) reduces their cafés per million considerably. London therefore only comes in at number 14 on the list.
In last place is Serbia’s Belgrade; with 84 cafés and a population of 1,166,763, they come in at having just 71.99 cafés per million people.
Jasmin Lee, who conducted this study for Each Night, deduced this from her findings:
“It’s obvious by now that coffee is a daily necessity for many people, and this data gives an idea of which European cities can’t get through the day without it, with many smaller cities seemingly consuming the most. It’s fascinating to see how varied the top ten entries are, and that Italy, the pioneer of the Espresso machine, does not even sit in the top three.“
We are proud to have Dublin, the capital, as Europe’s most caffeinated city. The more cafés the better.
Header image via boldandbrasscoffee/IG
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