It’s doubtful that a ‘scattered snow shower’ was what Bing Crosby was referring to when he dreamed of a White Christmas all those years ago but it might just have to do.
Weather Alerts Ireland has issued an update about the chances of snow falling on December 25 this year and while forecasts are still sketchy, it looks like it’s possible, even if it’s a bit of leftover from Christmas Eve.
Yesterday, the group posted that current ECMWF (that’s the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts to the uninformed) outlooks indicate ‘temperatures overnight Christmas Eve look to be well below freezing so a cold night for Santa to come to Ireland’. He best make sure the heating system in his sleigh is working before he sets off then.
It then looks like there will be ‘below average temperatures for Christmas Day’ while ‘scattered snow showers are looking likely for Christmas Eve and these could continue into Christmas day.’
This is all, of course, subject to change with further updates to be provided later in the week. Basically, if you’re hoping to wake up with a blanket of snow outside your window then you might be disappointed.
According to the post, those in the North are most likely to see a bit of snow on Christmas morning and you can keep up to date via this link.