I’m sure most of us are guilty of spending way too much of their day scrolling through unlimited Instagram posts of cute puppies, vibrant smoothie bowls and friend’s selfies.
And now, all thanks to Instagram, we know exactly how much time we spend each day on the app.
Those under the age of 25 spend more than 32 minutes a day on Instagram, on average, while those age 25 and older spend more than 24 minutes a day.
Sounds pretty accurate, to be fair.
Whether you’re taking selfies, posting stories, or just having a little scroll down the timeline, its likely to consume between 24 to 32 minutes of your day.
Instagram also found some pretty interesting information about our Insta-habits.
They found that our favourite story stickers were the Vibrant Location sticker, the Digital time sticker, and the “Like” sticker.
The top location tags included Jakarta, Indonesia, São Paulo, Brazil, New York, London, UK, and Madrid.
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