Are you eating ‘healthily’ but still find you can’t lose weight? Have you sacrificed bread entirely because you believe it’s your downfall?
Well, this Irish dietitian has dispelled some of the myths that surrounding dieting and eating bread.
Speaking in Dublin on Wednesday, Dr Mary McCreery set straight a few of the misconceptions that have had some people questioning whether bread is good for you.
McCreevy is one of Ireland’s foremost consultant nutritionists and dietitians and believes that bread has been cast among the foods to chop ruthlessly from your diet.
But, behind most food and nutrition myths, there are facts that overrule the fads.
Bread is fattening
“There is little or no fat or sugar in bread. A slice of bread has the same number of calories as a large apple.”
Bread causes bloating
“Bloating is the new description for ‘I feel fat’ or ‘I feel full’. There is simply no evidence that bread causes bloating.
“We are meant to feel full after meals, but if you are over-full then maybe you ate too much food.
“A review of the topic by the British Nutrition Foundation¹ concluded that there was no scientific evidence that regular consumption of bread caused bloating or digestive problems.”
Bread is unhealthy
“Contrary to what some may believe, bread is good for us and is an excellent source of proteins, vitamins especially the B Vitamins, Thiamine, Niacin, and Folic Acid; minerals (Calcium and iron); fibre and complex carbohydrates. It is also low in sugar and fat.”
Bread is low in essential nutrients
“Bread is healthy as it contains many nutrients such as iron, calcium and B vitamins. Some varieties are also fortified with vitamin D and seeds such as Chia, adding Omega 3 to the nutritional content, making bread a major contributor to the nutrient intake of the Irish diet.
“Variety is the key to getting a balanced and nutritious diet. Because bread is such a versatile food, it can be included at all meals to provide energy. Toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and as a side at dinner. Bread can and should be included in your diet at least once a day.”
Bread makes your energy levels drop
“Although, if consumed alone, white and wholemeal breads cannot claim to have a low glycemic index, most of the time bread is combined with protein and fat: when it is eaten with a meal or as a sandwich, for example.
“This combination means that the carbohydrate is digested more slowly and glucose enters the bloodstream at a slower and more stable rate.”
So, sacrificing bread may just not be on your list of cuts anymore.
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