We went to the shops earlier in: Two pairs of trousers, a scarf, a t-shirt, a hoodie, a jumper, a jacket, a hat, two pairs of socks and a pair of boots and we were still cold.
And when we came across this picture, we got even colder still.
A Canadian girl living in Galway posted this photo on Reddit of herself sunbathing on a roof in the Town of The Tribe while it was bucketing down snow and while temperatures were heading into the minus numbers.
The Reddit user, ykcal, is pictured on the snowy roof in nothing but a bikini and seems like she’s enjoying soaking up the snow (is that the right phrase to describe this?) in Galway.

Photo credit: Reddit user ykcal
The Reddit user went on to say that “winters [in Canada] hit lows of -30C. Not unheard of to hit -40C.
So, what we’ve been freaking out about and what Met Éireann has issued status Red Weather Warnings about is actually considered decent weather in Canada.
We’re keeping our clothes on for the moment anyway.
We’d rather wait for our one day of summer in June when temps roll over the 20 mark, thank you very much.
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