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08th Feb 2018

This Disgusting Picture Will Put You Off Hand Dryers For Life


When super-high tech hand dryers started to come to Ireland, we couldn’t get over how cool they were. 

They’re environmentally friendly, hygienic AND they actually dry your hands properly? Hallelujah! 

Now, though, it seems they’re not actually as much of a godsend as we thought. 

In fact, they’re pretty gross, as Facebook user Nichole Ward found out. 

She placed a petri dish in an enclosed hand dryer in a public bathroom for a total of three minutes. 

After a few days, the dish looked like this…

“This is the several strains of possible pathogenic fungi and bacteria that you’re swirling around your hands, and you think you’re walking out with clean hands. You’re welcome,” said Nichole. 

We’re scarred for life.

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