And before you ask, yes, it has Snake.
Ahh, 2002. A simpler time. Where your phone battery lasted for about two weeks and if you were spending €100 to get a screen fixed, it must have been the screen door of your mobile home in Wexford, because your phone one certainly would not be breaking. I fondly remember my first Nokia 3310. I got it just after my confirmation, and it was a hand-me-down from a girl who lived around the corner. I didn’t even swap out the sim card, I kept her number and all. Felt extremely popular getting a rake of texts that were actually meant for her. I never had credit to write back to any of them though – I’d spent it all buying ringtones from the back page of KISS magazine. Obviously.
And now it’s time for a new generation to experience the durable reliability of a good aul blockia. Will they be able to make TikToks on it? Probably not. Will they be able to drop it off the top of a building and still be able to make calls with it? Absolutely.
The new 66310 from Nokia
Nokia’s new 66310 has just been released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original device. It’s got a tough exterior which promises to “take life’s bumps”, and has retained the iconic silhouette of the original. It’s got all the old features like Snake (essential) and a battery “that can go weeks between charges”. If you’ve had just about enough of the fragility of your iphone, it could be time for a switch up. Read more about the 6310 HERE.
Header image via Shutterstock & Nokia
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