Following the terror attack in Manchester on Monday night, the Taoiseach Enda Kenny held a meeting with the Tánaiste this morning, as well as the Garda Commissioner and the Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces.
They discussed the possibility of a terrorist attack on Ireland, and the national emergency arrangements for such an attack.
The meeting concluded that a terror attack on Ireland is possible, but there is no information to indicate that it is likely:
“It was noted that while a terrorist attack here is possible it is unlikely and there is no specific information in relation to any threat to Ireland from international terrorism. “
The Department of Justice released a statement following the meeting, saying:
“Detailed preparations have also been made in the event of an attack.
Other agencies have plans in place to deal with the outcome of major incidents.
Of its nature, much of this work cannot be disclosed publicly, but people can be assured that it goes on relentlessly. “
The statement also notes that this assessment will remain under continuous review.
The attack in Manchester killed 22 people, with over 75 people currently in hospital.