After years and years of petitioning, the referendum on the eighth amendment is finally set to take place next Friday — but many Irish citizens have not yet decided how they will vote.
In fact, some are not even sure if they will vote at all.
This issue is dividing the nation right now and causing fierce debates between the two sides, so it’s imperative that everyone who has a vote actually uses it for the truest possible reflection of the will of Ireland’s people.
Graham Linehan, well-known creator of Father Ted and The IT Crowd, recently retweeted the opinion of Twitter user Ben Tasker, whom he believed made an excellent point regarding the use of your vote in the upcoming referendum. Tasker said:
“If you’re undecided (’cause you don’t know, or think it should be the women who decide, or whatever) — isn’t the best course of action a ‘yes’ so that women actually get the option? Or am I missing something”
Linehan reinforced Tasker’s point on “undecideds”.
Exactly this. If you’re thinking of abstaining for whatever reason, and the No vote wins, you’re effectively complicit in the continuing insult to Irish women that is the eighth amendment.
— Graham Linehan (@Glinner) May 17, 2018
And remember, you’re not voting for *more* abortions. You’re voting for *safe* abortions. You’re voting to return some peace of mind to victims of rape and incest, some comfort to parents experiencing the devastation of a FFA diagnosis. Vote and vote Yes. Please. #RepealThe8th
— Graham Linehan (@Glinner) May 17, 2018
One last point. FFA diagnoses and crisis pregnancies are only a part of the story. Not every case is as tragic or extreme, but whatever the situation, no-one takes the decision lightly, and Irish women should be trusted to make those decisions without state intervention.
— Graham Linehan (@Glinner) May 17, 2018
Linehan has been a vocal supporter of the Yes campaign for some time now, as his wife Helen had to have an abortion in 2004 after finding out their unborn child suffered from a fatal condition known as acrania, whereby the skull doesn’t fully encase the brain, meaning the baby would likely only live for an hour or two outside of the womb.
The couple lived in London at the time so aborting the pregnancy was a possibility, but had they been in Ireland Helen would have had to carry their child to term.
Do you agree with Linehan’s stance? Share your thoughts in the comments.
READ NEXT: VIDEO: The 10-Minute Film That RTÉ Has Banned Until The Referendum Is Over