Most jobs can be stressful, even if it’s only a wee bit.
But some weeks it can feel like the whole world is against you if nothing is going your way.
Cue: stress. And lot’s of it.
But try not to let it get the better of you this week – with these 5 tips.
1. Eliminate distractions
Emails, phone calls, pop ins, instant messages, Instagram and constant Snapchats all lead to distractions which heavily impact on your productivity and in turn will make you super stressed.
Get rid of ’em.

2. Prioritise priorities
This might seem very obvious and straightforward but if you sat down and really thought about it I’m sure you’d be surprised by how often in a day you push your priorities aside for other work bits ‘n’ bobs.
With competing deadlines and fast-changing priorities, it’s critical to define what’s truly important and why. That requires clarity. Cull your to-do list by focusing on your biggest priorities alone and stop letting others distract you.

3. Listen to a podcast on your way to and from work
Podcasts are probably the best distractions ever!
The commute to and from work is prime time for stressing, whether you’re thinking about the day ahead or about the day you just had.
Put in your headphones, pop on a podcast and take some deserved me-time.

4. Exercise
Whether it’s a walk, a run or some form of workout.
Exercise is imperative to keeping stress levels at bay.
Even if you think it’s the last thing you wanna do when you’re stressed – trust me it’ll be a relief.
If you don’t wanna leave the house, type ‘Fun Workout’ into YouTube and do the first thing that comes up – I dare you.

5. Ask for help
This can be easy for some, but very difficult for others.
Sometimes asking for a little help or advice can be exactly what the doctor ordered and cut some of the stress your under in half.
Nobody ever regrets asking for help.

Don’t worry. Be happy.
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