Anyone who grew up in Ireland will know that one of the absolute CLASSIC ice-creams was, without fail, the HB Super Split – there just simply wasn’t anything like it!
So if you were one of the many, many fans of the humble Super Split, you’ll only be delighted to know that it has made a comeback.
Nope – this is not a drill. The orange ice-cream will be available in supermarkets all around the country from now on, but under a new name.
The Super Split will now go by the name Split, but will be the same great taste that we remember from before.
Speaking about the comeback of the Super Split, a HB spokesperson said that after receiving “heartfelt emails, handwritten letters and social media messages”, they decided to listen to the Super Split fans.
The spokesperson added: “We’ve decided to give the name a makeover, from Super Split to SPLIT, but fans old and new can rest assured that the great taste they’ve come to know and love, is still the exact same.”
It’s safe to say summer is looking a whoooole lot better all of a sudden.
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