The Irish Independent is reporting that ‘Irish’ rashers which are being sold in supermarket Iceland, are not what they are labelled to be.
A Kerry pig farmer Shane McAuliffe told the publication that these rashers have ‘Produced in Ireland’ and the tricolour flag on them but are produced elsewhere.
“It looked Irish and then I looked at the rest of the labelling and saw ES – which meant it was Spanish and I looked at a few other packets and saw D (German) and DK (Danish) on them.”
As you can see below in the picture, the Irish flag is in the top right of the packet but yet the letters, ‘ES’ are under the use-by date.
Image via: The Irish Independent
The farmer filled up his trolley with the rashers and brought the topic up with the manager who then took the matter to head office.
However, The Food Safety Authority of Ireland states that the term ‘Produced in Ireland’ can be on the front if the meat is sliced and packaged in Ireland.
This is something that for the moment is completely within the law to do but will be changing in Ireland in 2020.
The farmer, however, believes that this can easily trick Irish people into thinking something is Irish from farm to table:
“This pork had no Bord Bia logo and it’s ok for Iceland to put an Irish flag and an Irish name on the product, even though it’s not Irish. The only indication that it is Danish or Spanish pork is by two little letters elsewhere on the packaging.”