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07th Apr 2017

It’s Official: These Are The Areas In Ireland Where You’ll Get The Most Sun


Ireland and the word sun don’t usually go hand in hand, but bear with us – apparently there actually are areas in this grey little isle where you can stock up on your Vitamin D via those sunny rays.

new study from Trinity College Dublin found that despite popular belief that the sun in Ireland isn’t strong enough in the winter to provide us with all the vit D that we need, certain areas are actually complete sun traps.

For such a small country, the difference in sun levels from coast to coast is huge, with a disparity in UVB between the North and South of the country – levels were 19% higher yearly UVB in Mizen head than Malin head.

Here’s the full scale of all the sunniest areas:

Sun Ray

Jaysis, Cork bai? We’ll be moving there for a bitta tanning so.

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