A study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine has found that there are three different types of porn viewer but found that only one of those types was actually healthy.
The researchers surveyed 830 participants, who were mixed in terms of relationship status and porn use.
Researchers asked things like, how much porn did they watched, did it disrupt their daily life while also questioning their emotional reactions to porn.
Participants were also asked about their sexual satisfaction and their tendency to avoid sex.
The three types of porn viewer are:
Recreational viewers
The only type of viewer that is deemed healthy. They are sexually satisfied and made up 75.5% of participants.
This kind of porn consumer watches 24 minutes of porn a week and are typically women or people in relationships.
Sexually compulsive viewers
Watches on average 110 minutes a week of porn. Consisting largely of men, “this group had higher emotional distress associated with porn use, underwent more intense efforts to access porn and reported the highest level of compulsivity.”
Distressed non-compulsive viewers
Also known as those who watch porn to self-medicate or feel better. Nearly 13% of those surveyed fell into this category and they spent on average 17 minutes a week watching porn.
“Recreational users reported more positive sexual outcomes than the two other groups, with highly distressed non-compulsive users reporting more sexual dysfunction and users with a compulsive profile being more generally sexually compulsive.
“Women and dyadic users were more prevalent in the recreational profile, whereas men were over-represented in the compulsive profile and solitary users were over-represented in the highly distressed non-compulsive profile,” the report concluded.
Of those surveyed, 70% were women, 80% were hetrosexual and the average age was 25.
Which type are you?
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