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04th May 2018

Man Caught On Camera In Priest Vestments Performing Sex Act On Altar Of Irish Church With Another Man

Darragh Berry

The Irish Independent is reporting that Gardaí are investigating images which show a man in priest vestments performing a sex act in an Irish Church. 

Several members of the church have allegedly seen the footage and The Catholic Church confirmed to the publication that the Gardaí were now investigating the “sacrilege” matter.

A source said that the images are “an abomination” of what is happening in the church and it is understood that the graphic images show two men engaging in sexual activity on the altar.

“The photographs depict something that appears somewhat satanic. Some sort of an exorcism at that church,” the source concluded. 

The source was also disgusted to think about all the people who had received communion at that altar or had been confirmed, buried or married there since. 

The source has also asked the Bishop of the diocese to launch an investigation to determine whether the man in the vestments is actually a priest or not. 

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