Back in our day, we had common names like Shauna, Kate and James.
You know, average names. Nothing special or out there, but they served us well.
It seems that that’s not enough anymore, and people want their babies to go one that one step further.
An Australian writer, Tobias Anthony, has written a book called Hipster Baby Names.
The book lists 322 hipster names that you could, if you really wanted to, give your child, according to OK.
Some of these include goldies like:
1. Latte
2. Banksy
3. Insta
4. Fedora
5. Chia
6. Zen
7. Jagger
8. Kale
9. Soy
10. Neville
Now, it’s not exactly clear if the book is satire or real, but I doubt that we’re gonna see some little Soys and Lattes running around in the next few years.
We live in hope.
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