According to a new study, one in three Irish people eat fast food or ready meals for dinner at least three times a week.
Conducted by The Wholefood Revolution, the survey found that two out of three people don’t eat five fruit and veg portions a day.
A huge 91% of the 900 Irish people who participated in the study said they wanted to improve their diets, but listed lack of time, laziness and poor willpower as the main obstacles to a healthier lifestyle.
David Wallace, founder of The Wholefood Revolution, had this to say on these startling revelations,
We eat too many calories from processed nutrient-poor foods. It’s no wonder we are on course to be the fattest nation in Europe by 2030. The government and the nation are sleepwalking into a health crisis, and if you think waiting lists in hospitals are bad now, it’s going to get a lot worse.
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