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08th Dec 2017

WATCH: Saoirse Ronan Explained That Bizarre Aer Lingus Skit On The Late Late Last Night

Lovin' Media

Ireland’s loveliest export, Carlow-woman Saoirse Ronan has been taking the world by storm for years. Because of this, it came as no surprise to us when it was announced that she would be hosting late night American programme Saturday Night Live. 

However, something that did shock us was an utterly absurd skit she partook in while on the show. It involved Ronan and several other Aer Lingus cabin crew members chatting all things safety features before take-off. And for some reason, there were loads of dogs.

Now we’re never one to dismiss a pooch, but what on Earth was the relevance of that?

Are dogs an Aer Lingus thing? Who knows. 

The video went viral this week for a number of reasons, which led Tubridy to ask Ronan all about it while she was on the show. 

Saoirse mentioned how she wanted to ”use her own accent” and that she wanted ”at least one Irish sketch” used on the show, but failed to really answer anything about the actual skit itself. 

Perhaps even Ronan isn’t too aware of what happened. 

Well, if anything, it will certainly have us thinking about puppies more when we’re in the air. What’s wrong with that?

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