Normally, we think that whatever the UK gets, we’re certainly to get a taste of also.
So, when it was announced by the Met Office that the UK would see temperatures drop as low as -9 degrees this week, it’s no wonder that Irish people began to freak out.
However, Met Eireann’s Joanna Donnelly has said that although Ireland will become chilly and will see temperatures drop, they won’t come anywhere near as close as the UK
Donnelly was on Virgin Media’s Six O’Clock show and said that:
“The problem we have is that we’re right next door to the UK and they have different weather to us.
“They are more influenced by the continental weather, so they have some very cold weather coming up in the next week, whereas we’re going to get a bit cold.
“We don’t get the heat that they get and we don’t get the cold that they get generally.”
She also added that accurate predictions can only be made three or four days in advance.
So, while nothing is forecasted as of yet, that’s not to say that more news will develop as the week goes on.
For the moment, however, nighttime temperatures will be around 3-7 degrees while the weather in Ireland will remain settled for the first week of 2019 with a mix of cloud and sunny spells.