Work is work is work – except on a Friday.
Rumour has it, on Fridays, hormones are released into the air that make it impossible to behave, concentrate or get your shit together.
I wouldn’t question it, it’s science.
Thank GOD it’s Friday. And actually Friday. Not like that on Wednesday when I woke up and thought it was Friday.
Stupid fake Friday.
2. Can’t wait to sleep forever tonight
After 24 pints.
3. Bloody hell, work clothes are rank
Diving headfirst into pyjamas and runners as soon as I’m home.
4. Wonder how my LinkedIn’s looking
That’s work, right? It furthers my career, like.
5. If I’m doing that, I suppose I should start thinking about my whole general wellbeing
*sets Tinder to 2km*
6. Just definitely not eating my packed lunch today
I work too damn hard.
7. Wonder if I could get in the end of First Dates I missed last night?
There’s only, like, 27 minutes left.
8. Is 11:13am too early for lunch?
Friday is the lunchtime of the week, after all.
9. I swear, if anyone so much as looks at me past 4pm I’m screaming
10. I should probably check my voicemail
No messages? Oh well, onto Facebook.
11. Still hungry, should probably head to the shop
And buy everyone something. That’ll waste some time.
Well, maybe not everyone. Maybe I’ll get myself two things.
12. Now, to work
I should probably get some coffee before I start.
Is that a scone?
13. I’m knackered, this day must be nearly ove–
12:15? HOW is it only 12:15?!
14. Ah, a meeting
Let’s all sit in the good room and make other people say things until the day is done.
15. Well, that was a sufficient amount of work for today
Only 3 hours 14 minutes and 52 seconds to go.
I wonder how long I can stay in the bathroom for, without it being weird?
16. HOW am I hungry AGAIN?
Maybe another scone.
17. In hindsight, maybe I should have done more work toda..
Boss is letting us off early! GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!
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