If you’re a bit squeamish or not a fan of animals, then maybe look away now. Unless you’re in Cork, then it might be too late for you.
There have been sightings of coypus near the River Lee in the last little while – the most recent being just a week ago.
These animals can sometimes be confused for otters or rats, and are top of the list for the National Parks and Wildlife Services, according to the Irish Examiner.

There have been measures taken across the EU to help monitor their speed, as they are capable of damaging river banks and crops.
The NWPS has caught several in the last few years, and there have been further sightings, so they are appealing to the Cork public to report any sightings of these animals.
Coypus can be as long as a metre (!) and are usually seen in or around rivers.
So if you see one of these guys, please let the National Parks and Wildlife Services know, asap.