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21st May 2017

Public Service Announcement – Buckfast Doughnuts Now Exist


Just when you think you’ve seen it all…

Ireland’s two favourite things at the moment seem to be doughnuts and Buckfast tonic wine. And while doughnuts is a relatively new fad, Buckfast has been sitting pretty at the top spot for a number of decades.

But, what if we were to tell you that the two have combined and absolutely floored us with a tasty twinned hybrid?

Behold, the Buckfast Doughnut

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Not much to look at, these guys seriously pack a punch. 

Brought to you by Doughzy Doughnuts in Belfast – these guys are super tasty and super boozy. 

However, if you’re keen to try one of these soon, you’ll need to do so quick – as the tonic wine flavoured treats sell out almost instantly. 

For more information, check out their Facebook page

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