Well, this is definitely a bizarre one.
And before anyone goes calling the sexism police – we want to clarify that we’re pretty sure they were just joking.
The Diamond Cinema in Navan, Co. Meath have announced that unaccompanied males will not be allowed into the cinema to watch the new and highly-shteamy Fifty Shades Darker alone.
The cinema’s cheeky phone listings yesterday stated:
“If you’re looking to go to Fifty Shades Darker and you’re bringing your boyfriend, you better keep lots of space between you.
It’s on an 18 cert and I must stress that single men or married men on their own, any unaccompanied males will not be allowed in.”
Diamond Cinema
The cheek!
I mean, this trailer is pretty intense… anyone else think it’s hot in here?
I can’t say that I personally know any lads who would go see this film alone but they should still have the option?!
H/T: The Irish Mirror
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