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Food and Drink

23rd Mar 2018

Science Says This Alcoholic Beverage Cures Hangovers Better Than Paracetamol


When you’re hanging after a night out it can feel like your world is falling apart.

While we’ve long heard tell of “the hair of the dog” AKA more alcohol, we weren’t really sure it wasn’t all some cruel myth.

Now, it’s been scientifically proven that a couple of beers the day after a heavy night could sort you out.

A study was published in The Journal Of Pain entitled ‘Analgesic Effects of Alcohol: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Experimental Studies in Healthy Participants’ and it found that two pints of beer is the answer.

Scientists discovered that having two pints of beer has been proven to work better than paracetamol for pain relief during a hangover.

In fact, it can cut discomfort by 25%. The medical researchers also found that, “alcohol resulted in a small increase in pain threshold.”

So it seems going for a cure in the pub the following day is actually a pretty good idea.

