Well, have ye dried off from yesterday yet? Friday brought some fairly traumatic weather across the country and by the looks of it, things aren’t going to improve much over the weekend.
The Met Éireann forecast for today predicts ‘heavy and prolonged showers with a risk of hail locally for a time this morning in southern and eastern counties.’ Tomorrow, meanwhile, will see ‘ heavy showers or hail with a risk of isolated thunderstorms.’
Cool today with a mix of cloudy and sunny periods and scattered showers. Some of the showers heavy and prolonged with a risk of hail locally for a time this morning in southern and eastern counties. Maximum temperatures 8 to 11 degrees Celsius. pic.twitter.com/OgoLSlsNOJ
— Met Éireann (@MetEireann) November 10, 2018
Not great, is it? Joan Blackburn of Met Éireann told RTÉ Radio One this morning that “Scattered showers will become widespread in the afternoon, some if these showers heavy or of hail and there’s a risk of isolated thunderstorms. The heavy showers will continue overnight.”
Ya wouldn’t want to be going anywhere.
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