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28th Mar 2019

Irish Guide Dogs For The Blind Are Looking For New Puppy Raisers

Kiara Keane

Attention all dog lovers – Irish Guide Dogs For The Blind are looking for new volunteer puppy raisers.

The charity is hoping to find individuals and families who are willing to foster a puppy aged between seven to eight weeks up to 12-15 months.

While they’re in the foster home, the puppy will also begin their training in basic obedience with support from the Early Training Team – also known as the Puppy Academy.

At around 14 months, they’ll be moved into the Training Centre alongside highly skilled trainers, where the hard work towards graduating as a Guide Dog begins.

If this sounds like something you’d love to get involved with, they have listed a few requirements that you’ll need to meet:

  • Other dogs in the home are fine once they are sociable and neutered.
  • The puppy must not be left alone for more than four hours.
  • You must have access to a secured outdoor area.
  • Children in the home must be over five years of age.
  • You must be 18 years or older, but the whole family can get involved.

You can apply online via their website here.

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