The Irish Mirror is reporting that a priest who was allegedly part in a gay sex video on an Irish church altar has been removed from ministry “for personal leave.”
The incident is said to have happened in the south of the country according to the publication and one of the alleged men involved in the footage has now taken time out from his duties
“When the video came to public attention he suffered a lot of adverse attention and in discussions with his bishop it was decided he would take time out,” The Irish Mirror learned.
When news emerged first in May about the incident, Gardaí were said to be investigating the images which showed a man in priest vestments performing a sex act in an Irish Church.
Several members of the church have allegedly seen the footage and The Catholic Church confirmed that the Gardaí were now investigating the “sacrilege” matter.
A source said that the images were “an abomination” of what is happening in the church and it is understood that the graphic images show two men engaging in sexual activity on the altar.
“The photographs depict something that appears somewhat satanic. Some sort of an exorcism at that church,” the source concluded before adding that it was disgusting to think about all the people who had received communion at that altar or had been confirmed, buried or married there since.