There’s just something about travelling by train that really sets it apart from other ways of getting around.
There isn’t just one particular reason, per se, but a combination: it’s the fact that you can get up and move around with ease, that you can enjoy better views than on the road, that you can sit back and let somebody else worry about the driving, that you can book it easily online, that you don’t have to deal with traffic, that treats are literally wheeled right by you on a regular basis and all the other conveniences that come with rail travel.
But trains aren’t just place a mode of transport, they’re almost a destination in themselves where you can meet new people, as well as part from loved ones, and share a moment to remember.

Moments like this, for example
To celebrate our country’s railroad, we’ve teamed up with the folks at Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail to give away a €500 voucher for train journeys — meaning that you’ll be able to take a lot of adventures around this pretty little island of ours. And all we ask in exchange for this whopper prize is a story.
Not just any story though, we want to hear about your very best experience while aboard an Irish train. Your story can be funny, nostalgic or just plain heartwarming!
So what’s your best memory from an Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail journey? Tell us in the form below for a chance to win this great prize.
(Click HERE if you can’t view the form.)
Two finalists will be chosen from the entries and their stories will be published on The finalist whose story then receives the most votes will win the prize! Best of luck!