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20th Dec 2016

This Brilliant New Ad Format Will Change The Game For Instagram And Facebook


Advertising on social media is as targeted as you can possibly get but the ad formats have been pretty stagnant for a while now. The one big innovation Facebook (and their little brother Instragram) have rolled out is auto play videos in the feed. They’ve been a rip roaring success and brought in loads of revenue but the next level of innovation is here and it is called a cinemagraph. As you can see they are strangely compelling…


They are essentially a GIF or video file with movement focused on one particular area but it is their stylish nature that make you think of a classic magazine advert. Just like the magazine, these are ads that you will actually linger over, want to watch and sometimes even enhance your feed. They won’t all be full of beautiful models and for perfumes but they are certainly an improvement on what is out there at the moment and I’d see them getting superb traction especially on Instagram.

