Eitleog (eh-til-ogue) is the Irish word for kite. It’s also the name for the new festival by Cavan Arts Festival, taking place this October mid-term break.
Cavan Arts Festival is bringing the age old traditions of kite making and flying into the modern day with this hybrid event, taking place partly online and partly “on the end of a line”. Get it?
If you’d like to get involved, all you have to do is check out Eitleog’s specially commissioned kite making tutorials from international kite artists Catherine Gabrel (US), Laura McNamara (Ireland), and Rebecca Marsden (UK). They’ll show you how to create your very own sled, diamond and sock tights. Once you’ve decorated and painted your kite to your liking, you can fly it from your garden or in a safe public place.
You can share images of your kite creating and flying across social media, and be sure to tag @cavanartsfestival so they can see your flighty works of art!
The FREE festival will take place from Saturday 23rd until Sunday 31st of October, and there’s no need to pre-register. Just head to the Cavan Arts Festival WEBSITE to find out more.
I’ve been waiting the entire article to say it – Let’s go fly a kite!
Header image via Cavan Arts Festival
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