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15th Sep 2020

WATCH: Galway busker entertains locals with adorable puppy in tow

Sarah Finnan

Busker, adorable puppy, Galway, sunshine – this has all the ingredients to make it a major viral success. Internet, do your thing.

Galway is renowned for its booming music scene. Often referred to as the cultural heart of Ireland, the place is teeming with bands, singers and artists all hoping to leave a lasting impression and hit the big time. Part of the reason why I personally love Galway so much, the buskers are as much a part of the city as the streets they play on are and a sunny day spent taking in the atmosphere down Shop Street is always a sunny day well spent.

Taking to the Latin Quarter to entertain passersby, busker Andy proved to be a big hit with onlookers – thanks in part to his adorable companion Poko. Ever the obedient little pup, Poko definitely played up to the attention, helping his owner to put on quite the show with his antics while Andy was busy serenading the crowds. Perched right across from the Woolen Mills, the spectacle went down a treat with shoppers many of whom stopped to take in the music before moving on with their errands.

I predict that instrument case is going to have a lot more moolah in it before the day is done.

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