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19th Jan 2017

19 Quirks That Irish People Do All The Time That We Don’t Think Are Weird


Irish quirks are weird, wonderful and fantastically bizarre – and it’s only when you meet people who’ve grown up elsewhere that you realise how truly mental some of the things we consider normal are. 

We’ve put together a list of some of the best, and would love to hear your opinions on them. 

Have you any weirder ones to add?

1. The poets on English Paper 2 making national news every year


2. A conversation about the at-home water heater coming up daily

D’immersion, like. 

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3. A fascination with death

”Did you hear who died?”

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4. Having an aunt who isn’t really your aunt, just your ma’s best friend

You know, her. 

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5. Referring to someone as ‘me aul flower’

Basically, a wilting weed. 


6. Tuning in to watch a grown man play with toys on live TV for four hours each Christmas

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7. Thanking your bus driver

Well, you didn’t die did you?

8. Repeatedly saying ‘bye’ until the other person hangs up the phone

9. Also repeatedly apologising for everything you do upon leaving the house

‘Sorry, sorry, oh so sorry, pardon me, excuse me, sorry sorry sorry’

10. Putting two syllables in the word ‘film’

11. Accepting a turkey puppet as a real human

So much so that we sent it to Eurovision. 

12. Stopping what you’re doing and looking pensively into the sky when a bell tolls

13. Referring to a cupboard as a press for no real reason

Maybe because you…press…it?

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14. Basing a whole empire around a fictional Spud man

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15. Drinking 30 cups of tea at work, only to come home for a nice solid cuppa cha

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16. Naturally presuming someone drinking water in the pub is on antibiotics

And almost always being right.

17. Putting ketchup on absolutely everything

Spaghetti? Ketchup.

Shepard’s pie? Ketchup.

Ice cream? Ketchup. 


Photo cred: WordPress

18. Praying that when a certain cake gets cut into that you’ll bag yourself a new ring


Photo cred: Pinterest

19. And finally, never leaving any food waste on your plate due to your inherent Famine Instinct

Don’t be fooled, children. It’s a thing. 

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