Whatsapp recently announced that they have over a billion active users which means that 1 in every 7 people on the planet use the service.
The group messaging tool is how many of us plan everything from football matches to meeting up with our families, and even our working day.
The chances are you are in a couple of groups and if you are you will certainly recognise these 21 things…
1. This is worse than getting stood up in real life

2. Going for lunch doesn’t mean we need a new fucking group chat

3. When you are working and the squad are all heading out

4. When your parents rock up too and they just don’t get the whole group chat etiquette

5. When you and your BFF duck out of the chat to slag other people in the group

6. The one annoying person who always insists on being the group admin

7. The over-enthusiastic replier

8. The person who never says anything but still shows up

9. The Monica Geller who changes the group icon and name occasionally

10. The Irish exit

11. The awkward “oops wrong chat” moment

12. The 2 people who should get a room

13. The late arriver who refuses to read the thread and asks again

14. The pain of getting roasted by the whole squad at once

15. When you just can’t be arsed to keep up

16. The fear and delight of checking the group after a big night out together

17. The NSFW material automatically saved to your camera roll from the group chat

18. The fear that your boyfriend / girlfriend / partner / parents would ever see what you and your friends say to each other

19. When you’re about to get an early night but the squad keeps you up with the LOLs
20. When you are trying to have a social dinner but the group chat is lit, so the other person thinks you are just plain rude

21. Being terrified of making a typo, grammar mistake or any other slip in general knowing that the group will ruin you about it (until the next person messes up!)