Take that, Arlene Foster. The Irish Language is alive and well. That’s if this tweet by RuPaul is anything to go by anyway.
The American star of RuPaul’s Drag Race has addressed the Irish nation online this afternoon, referring to her pal and co-star Michelle Visage who is part of the judging panel on TV3’s Ireland’s Got Talent.
The star wrote to her 1.13 million followers:
“A mhuintir na hÉireann! J an chraic? Cloisim go bhfuil mo chailín Michelle Visage ag déanamh thar cinn ar Ireland’s Got Talent Is léir go bhfuil sibhse, na banríonacha, deadlaí agus maightí freisin, ach b’fhearr daoibh an obair a chur isteach nó is ag sashayáil away a bheidh sibh!”
A mhuintir na hÉireann! J an chraic? Cloisim go bhfuil mo chailín @michellevisage ag déanamh thar cinn ar @GotTalentIRL Is léir go bhfuil sibhse, na banríonacha, deadlaí agus maightí freisin, ach b’fhearr daoibh an obair a chur isteach nó is ag sashayáil away a bheidh sibh! pic.twitter.com/qP5VqD5gyF
— RuPaul (@RuPaul) February 16, 2018
It roughly translates as:
“People of Ireland, any craic? I hear my girl Michelle Visage is doing brilliantly on Ireland’s Got Talent. It seems that you, the queens, are deadly and mighty too. But you better put the work in or you’d be sashayed away.”
A rallying cry the like of which we haven’t seen since Michael Collins. Some Twitter users were just a bit puzzled to say the least…
— LVLY (@LVLY808) February 16, 2018
While Irish people were incredibly impressed…
Pmsl @danielwallxo were Irish and don’t have a clue what that means
— Leah brodigan (@Leahbrodigan3) February 16, 2018
Wow you’re practically fluent I understand less than half of that and I’m from Ireland ????????????
— Martin Costello (@MartinCostello) February 16, 2018
RuPaul speaking Irish is all I ever wanted in life
— keith (@soykeith) February 16, 2018
— Paul Ryder (@RuPaulRyder) February 16, 2018
When Ru speaks better Irish than you, an Irish person ????????♂️
— Buffay the Vampire Layer (@_MyNameIsAdam_) February 16, 2018
So, how do we reckon RuPaul would get on in the Leaving Cert?
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