Last night’s Late Late Show was some truly bizarre TV.
With Ireland in the throes of Storm Emma, the audience consisted of a handful of people huddled at the front of the studio, while interviewees included whichever RTE stars happened to be around and a couple who had just walked in off the street.
Marty Morrissey chatted to what seemed like every guest at a local wedding, and there was a segment on the famine.
Tubs completely winged it, at one point commenting: “Coming up after the break…I have no idea!”
It was a glorious mess, and the country was captivated.
Here are some of the best tweets from last night…
Image of a 9am Lecture, few matures up the front #LateLateShow
— laura meade (@Laura_Meade) March 2, 2018
Funny how RTE has Les Miserables on both RTE 1 and RTE 2 #LateLateShow
— Réidín Kelleher (@kelleherr) March 2, 2018
Poor Joe Duffy was minding his own business, heating a couple of sausage rolls in the RTE Canteen earlier when he was frog marched up to the #LateLateShow #latelate
— The Cork Coypu (@CorkCoypu) March 2, 2018
I am screaming. The #LateLateShow has no audience, no guests and they have literally pulled people in off the street for a chat.
— Sam Pearson (@greeneggs_) March 2, 2018
#LateLateShow bit insensitive talking about famine when we’ve run out of bread
— Mary Hughes (@GoosieHughes) March 2, 2018
look i’m just sayin… #latelateshow
— sarah (@broccolidoggo) March 2, 2018
Prize sponsor Brennans Bread ???????????????? #LateLateShow rte
— Aisling Keane (@aislingkeane) March 2, 2018
Coming up next, an inanimate carbon rod #LateLateShow
— Esteban (@ActingTheGom) March 2, 2018
I’m yer man in the audience not paying attention and staring at the ceiling #LateLateShow
— support nurses & midwives ????⚕️ (@AoifeeO) March 2, 2018
RTE: Quick we need someone who can talk none stop about noting for ages!
***Joe Duffy stands up in the canteen*** #LateLateShow— Niall Fitzmaurice (@nfitzm) March 2, 2018
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